Saturday, April 15, 2017

WeWriWa / Snippet Sunday o4.16.17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

Last week, Armani told Karlea that he possibly would have made her remember their night together even if she didn't want to remember. Karlea stomped off, covering herself with a blanket. Armani's last lines were: "Love, you know I saw all of that last night, no need to cover back up. Or should I say, I felt it and tasted it all last night..."  

Armani raised his eyebrows, "And heard every sound you made. I'm sure everyone in my building heard you, this room is not sound proof. I should probably change that."
"I'm cold." She answered with attitude. A smile creeping across her face as she eyed Armani's sheet, two could play at this game, "But from what I remember, love, the same could be said about you. And you were quite loud, yourself."
Armani looked down at the sheet covering him. "I'm cold,too--"
"You're a vampire, you're always cold," Karlea pointed out, rolling her eyes.

Thanks for reading! 

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Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X


  1. Haha- glad Karlea's got her sass back!

  2. Well written and a touch of humor. Always good.

  3. That's exactly the attitude she needs to have with him. Nice snippet! :)

  4. I love the sexy banter! Talk about running hot and cold!

  5. Love the subtle humour in the snippet.

  6. Tee hee, I love their banter. :D

  7. She's groping (so to speak) toward rebuilding the balance in their relationship, which so far is heavily weighted on his side.
