Saturday, December 25, 2021

WeWriWa 12.26.21


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! I hope everyone had a great holiday, if you celebrate!

Continuing on with my serial killer WIP. Where I last left off, my main character, Dennis, just walked into The Gentleman's Club for his hot date...
(creative punctuation used) 

I walked past Pete's empty security booth inside and looked to the right. There she was already on stage, just about to be topless. She broke her concentration on the few gentleman in front of her to look over at me and smile, purposely dropping her purple polka dot bra on the floor next to the chair that sat on the stage with her near the stripper must have been one of her props tonight. 

This was Serena Fire, and she WAS fire. Her hair was dyed a dark red and fell straight to her shoulders. Her skin was pale almost seemed to sparkle in the stage lights, as did the red gem that was on her naval piercing. She was short, I towered inches above her, if I had to guess, I would say she was around five five. And very petite. Her makeup was always put on lightly, unlike some of the other dancers who caked it on. Her breasts were real and the perfect size, not too huge and not too small, and they were pierced.

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday! And Happy Holidays!!

~Danii X


  1. Piercings . . . ouch! Nice descriptions, Danii!

  2. It's very revealing what aspects he chooses to notice!

  3. Great details in her description, although the thought of the piercings made me shudder. She sounds like a good performer, though. Great snippet! Tweeted.

  4. Good description! Makes for an excellent excerpt...
