Sunday, December 2, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday 12.02.12

Omg, its December! I can't believe it! 

It is still very rainy and windy here. It seems worse today. Welcome to a Bay Area winter, I guess, but at least temps are still in the 60's.

I finally drove over the Bay Bridge yesterday. I've seen it, and have taken a taxi twice over it heading into Oakland. But yesterday I drove to San Francisco and back three times. I now know the freeways, too, which is awesome. I got to work on a film set as a PA for an undergrad's project at my school. It was my first time seeing the film/tv building, since all my classes have been online. And I have to say that I don't think the building was in the best part of San Francisco. That was a bit disappointing. What did I learn from being on set yesterday? That I have much to learn about filmmaking :) 
I then got to come home and VyRT with 30 Seconds to Mars. Awesome day! However, Mr. Leto, if I keep getting distracted by watching your VyRT antics, I'm never going to achieve my dreams, I have to much work to do than to sit and watch you for 3 hours. 

This week's six, picks right up from last week. I have posted a collection of Armani/Karlea's Six Sentence Sundays, here, for anyone that wants to catch up or re-read. And yes, they do all make sense for the most part, if you put them all together. 

In this snippet, we get a glimpse into Karlea. Danny, her ex-fiance from over a year ago is mentioned here. As is Jake, her now ex-vampire lover :)

Karlea used to love when Jake bit her, although she knew that he didn't like to only because he was afraid he wouldn't be able to stop himself before he killed her. It actually hurt to get bitten, it hurt a lot, and usually caused Karlea to scream out, but for some reason she enjoyed it - she loved it when it hurt, it turned her on more, and sex was better when she hurt. When she was younger, she used to be the girl who would cut her self and get off on the pain (and would love to watch herself bleed), it was just better when she had someone to share it with, such as a vampire, becuase most guys or girls were not cool with cutting at her age and found it fucked up that she would get off on it, such as Danny. She always tried to get her boyfriends , or even the very few girlfriends she had to cut her with no obligation for them to have to be cut, but that didn't go over well. She had found one guy before she met Danny, that used to be okay with cutting and even let her cut him a few times, but after a year he left her for another girl. 

Karlea knew Armani was reading all this as he drank from her, but she could care less at this point, pretty soon she would be dead and anything Armani knew about her would be forgotten along with her dead body that he would leave somewhere to move on to his next victim.

That was a long snippet. I didn't change it to fit into six sentences, either. Hope you enjoyed! Please comment! And thanks for reading!

Also, if you have a moment, please vote for Nick13 on CMT's countdown, here. We are determined to have him take over the #1 spot again! Thanks in advance.

Have a great week!
Hearts & Stars,


  1. Interesint insight into Karlea's psyche, Siren. I'm curious as to Armani's reaction to her thoughts. ;)

    1. His reaction should be interesting :)
      Thanks for reading!

  2. Your spin on the experience of the vampire bite is very interesting and gritty. I too am looking forward to his reaction.

    1. I don''t think Armani expected that from her :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Is this typical of girls who are turned on by vampire boyfriends?

    1. She definitely has some issues that no one would suspect. I think her ex-vampire lover couldn't even handle her at times.
      Thank you so much for reading each week :)

  4. A dark and gritty six here. I found it interesting that K had little concern she would soon be dead.

    1. She knows there is nothing she can do. He's too strong for him to fight him off. I think she is also a bit depressed, too, from breaking up with Jake.

    2. Forgot to add before hitting enter;
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. It's interesting to be allowed into her mind and see she used to be an adrenaline junkie (still is). That's usually why they cut- adrenaline. I would love to read how Armani is going to deal with this and love that he can read this as he drinks her. That's an interesting point of view. I've wanted to use it myself (you beat me to it) lol. Great Six Sunday post. I love the story here that's unfolding. =)

    1. Thanks for the psych insight! She used to love to push herself to the limits with Jake, which always concerned Jake because he didn't want her dead body on his hands. Earlier in my book, Karlea is always trying to get Jake to unleash his worst on her, and he does eventually, nearing killing her because she wouldn't tell him to stop. She also has had a party-girl type lifestyle in the past, meaning she would drink to get drunk, and do rave drugs. She is not as good and pure as everyone thinks.
      Armani is going to love all this, unless he still flat out kills her right now. He needs to stop drinking from her now.

      Feel free to use that pov! It provides for an interesting story.

  6. Very cool exploration of the character. Some people really do get off on pain, and it makes sense after reading this that Karlea would too. Great work! :)

    1. Thank you :) I'm excited, its almost Sunday and I get to share more. Not sure what to do after SSS ends :(
      And I'm still trying to figure out how this story fits into my original novel.

  7. You definitely "took me there" with this six. It's almost desolate ... I feel for her so very much.

    1. Hi, Sarah. Thanks for reading! I started posting Armani's reaction today for this week's six :)
