Saturday, November 6, 2021

WeWriWa 11.o7.21


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

Continuing on where we left off two weeks ago, this is more about Derrick in Dennis' pov.

Derrick. The older brother. We got along when we were little kids, best friends even, but once the excessive drinking started that was it. We each had our own way of dealing with constantly drunk and addicted parents, an abusive father who went down the line every night. First, it was our mother who took the worst of it, thankfully not feeling much of it because she was too trashed. Then there was Derrick. And by the time, he got to me, he didn’t have much in him before blacking out. 

Derrick dealt with by constantly pushing me around and mocking me for everything, even for the same ratty shoes we wore. He wore the ratty shoes better. Everything I did was never as good as him. I was small, insignificant, and like a ghost. He reminded me hourly of this. 

We lived in the desert town of Blythe, on the California - Arizona border, in an old shack for a house, surrounded by ghost towns and nuclear testing grounds. 

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

~Danii X


  1. wow, not the best upbringing. interesting little backstory here.

  2. Great set up for this character. Such a vivid and awful past.

  3. Interesting insight into their relationship! Explains a lot.

  4. Such a terrible childhood. Tells the reader a lot about the character.

  5. I felt like I was right in this character's head.
