Sunday, April 8, 2018

WeWriWa o4.o8.18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! And Happy Spring! I am so excited it is April and winter is (hopefully) behind us.

Where we last left off, Armani brought Karlea a cell phone and was going to let her call Jake, only she couldn't remember his phone number...

Armani walked towards her, he took the phone from her hands. He took her hand and brought her wrist to his mouth. He bit down, taking a few sips before letting go. He dialed the rest of Jake's number and handed her the phone.
"Thanks.." Karlea trailed off as she looked at the number.
It still didn't look familiar to her. She paused before hitting the call button, a strange feeling creeping up in her. Part of her wanted to hit the button and start screaming for Jake into the phone and the other part of her wanted to throw the phone as far as she could.
Armani vanished in front of her, giving her some privacy. 

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X


  1. Boy, she's really in a bind isn't she?

  2. Yikes! What has he done to her? I’m wondering if she’ll be able to explain anything to Jake in the state she’s in

  3. You've done a good job setting this up a major moment of decision.

  4. Good job showing the confusion her transformation is causing.

  5. Since I'm reading them backward, I'm wondering what went on between this and telling Jake she was not his anymore. Obviously, she isn't really convinced about that.
