Sunday, May 19, 2019

WeWriWa o5.19.19

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday! 

I'm sharing something new, something I'm slooowly working on. It's tentatively called Blood Wine. That name will probably change. Anyway, this story is about Anton Pierce, a young, handsome, wealthy winery owner and artist – who also happens to be a vampire- who falls for a woman named, Charlotte, at the art museum. He is immediately drawn to her not just for her beauty but because she is so bold and sassy. His true identity must not ever be revealed to her. Together they start a fiery romance laced with dom/sub dynamic. The story alternates between each of their points of view.

Where we last left off, Anton demanded to see his art exhibit before the opening. This picks right up from Anton holding the door open for her...

I mouthed thanks and walked in, he followed behind.
“Your feet really need a rest don’t they?” He mentioned.
“Yeah, these aren’t the most comfortable platform shoes to be in for more than a few hours.” I replied as I continued to clomp through the gallery, these shoes feeling more like bricks. As we walked around the outside of the auditorium, I turned to him.
“No complaining.” I said with attitude before bringing him around the corner.
He held his hands up and shook his head, “I promise.”
I held my hands out in ta-da motion, at the tables holding his bottles of fine wines and then continued walking into the gallery.

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X


  1. Nice job setting the scene. I'm ready to imbide!

  2. She seems to be enjoying having him follow her.

  3. This scene builds the tension between them. I hope what he sees pleases him.

  4. She seems like quite the show man, with her fancy waving flourishes. (Show woman?)
