Sunday, February 4, 2018

WeWriWa o2.o4.18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

Where we left off last left off, Karlea wasn't feeling to well and thought she was dying...

"In a way, love." Armani answered. "You're body needs a blood fix. My blood."
"No." Karlea cried out. 
"This is what it is to be bloodbonded."
Armani lifted her up and held her in front of the mirror with no effort.
"Look...this is what happens when you don't get blood."

Consequences of her fun filled blood high. 

Thanks for reading! Thank you for all your great comments last week. I didn't respond, but I did read them all. I'm still trying to figure out how to fit this blog hop and the others I was doing months back into my crazy schedule, that includes reading others' posts, commenting, and commenting back on mine. As of September, I started a new job working at a school, so time I had last year while my kids were in school, is now spent in their school. It makes for little free time without the kids where I can focus. If I can make a routine, I'll be good. Does anyone see my responses to comments, when I do respond anyway? Other writers I comment on their posts but never get notification or even check if they responded back. Is that bad?

You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs,
~Siren X


  1. She's betwixt and between two worlds. You've done a great job of showing that. :-)

  2. She'll never be the same again. Great show of her confusion and fear!

  3. Although I can imagine what she might look like, it's be interesting to learn what the symptoms are.

  4. Yuck, is there a cure to the blood bond? I wonder what she sees in the mirror. I hope she is just her normal human self and not in some speed aging trouble.

  5. Poor Armani will have to learn about keeping strength up. Great snippet

  6. To be blood bound in this sense does not seem to be worth the fun she had before... at least not anymore. Will she give in to her need though....
