Saturday, May 6, 2017

#WeWriWa / #SnippetSunday o5.o7.17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday!

We left off with Armani asking Karlea if she wanted to join him for breakfast in bed. 

She stared at his hand and then at him. 
Armani rolled his eyes, "You have an eternity to hate me and stake my heart. Hell, at some point I might even just stand there and let you do it."
Armani smiled and continued, "Do something crazy and take a know you want to."
She laughed, he was giving her the same line he gave her at the club that got her into this whole mess. 
"I'll make sure sure you don't regret it," he added, "and you get to rip this sheet off of me."
That was enough for the heat to surge between her legs. Karlea shook her head, as if she knew better, and put her hand in his. The moment her hand touched his, he pulled her in and had her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck, and her back against the wall as he held her. The blanket that was covering her, lying on the floor.

I think he has a different idea of what breakfast in bed is.

Thanks for reading! You can read more amazing authors here and here.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X


  1. Sexy snippet! It definitely seems that his idea of breakfast in bed might be different from hers. LOL

  2. Just right, enough for the reader to sense the heat, the suggestions and then. . .Terrific snippet.

  3. Why do I feel like she's going to regret this later?

  4. Oh, he is a seductive bastard.

  5. Whew, now that's a delicious thing to read on a Sunday! Well done, Siren! :)

    1. Thanks!

      Next Sunday might just be more delicious! ;)

  6. Yes, his idea is definitely different than the usual meal in bed LOL but I have a feeling she'll enjoy it. Great snippet!

  7. Lol - I think we all figured out there are 2 definitions of breakfast in bed.

  8. This was not the breakfast I was expecting! Though it's probably more fun with fewer calories. :-)

  9. Great snippet! As much as she yearns to resist him, she simply can't. :)

    1. I don't know if I could either, he's got that bad boy thing going on and its kinda hot ;)
      Thanks for reading!

  10. Not the usual meal. lol She just can't resist him, can she?

  11. "Breakfast" in bed. Many definitions.

    1. She's apparently the breakfast :) Only he missed the bed part...
      Thanks for reading!

  12. I like the flirtation going on between them. The sexual tension builds at a steady pace. :-)

  13. I love that kind of breakfast in bed. ;)
