Sunday, March 26, 2017

WeWriWa / Snippet Sunday o3.26.17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors / Snippet Sunday!

Where we last left off, Karlea remembered everything from the night before. She was getting a bit close and comfy on Armani before she realized he used his mind control ability to make her forget. The last line when we left off, was her asking why he made her forget...

Anger took over and her resistance was once again back up. She balled up her fists, and punched at Armani's chest, but she was so weak compared to last night or the time in his dungeon that it hurt her fist each time, it felt like punching bricks. Armani shook his head and laughed, easily grabbing onto her wrists and overpowering her. He held them tight enough to cause her pain as she winced, as if punching his chest didn't hurt her enough.
"I needed to see if you wanted to remember." Armani answered, "You didn't hesitate to say yes, you didn't even have to think about it. If you hated me that much, you wouldn't have wanted to remember."
She had to admit, he had a point.
"And if I said no?" She asked, lowering her resistance.  

Ugh, I want to keep going, but that was 10.

Thanks for reading! I'm a bit behind on reading and commenting. I'm trying to come up with a better schedule. My kid free weekends are okay, but I need to figure out when to read/comment when they are with me. It gets difficult because they always want my attention. :)

You can read more amazing authors here and here.

I wanted to share this video of Marie Forleo interviewing author Cheryl Strayed. This interview is amazing. It opened up a lot of doors for me after I watched it, she tackled so many things I was struggling with.

And you can find me on social media here:

Enjoy your Sunday!

Bleeding Hearts & Fangs, ~Siren X


  1. Kids come first . . . always. Thanks for sharing your snippet. Such frustration and temptation!

    1. Absolutely right, Nancy, they do! i drop everything all the time when they need me. We moved from California to NY, 7 months ago, my three youngest (9, 7, & 6), are still having emotional challenges over the move. When they are home, its just me & them, nothing else in the way.

      And thank you for reading!

  2. Oh, I want to know his answer. And I understand trying to find time with kids. Mine are a bit older, but still demand attention.

    1. It will probably be some smart ass answer, knowing Armani ;)

      Thanks for reading!

  3. He's really messing with her, isn't he? I don't blame her for being frustrated.

    1. He's always messing with her. Writing this character is frustrating because of the things that come out of him, I'm usually slamming my fists on the desk, lol.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. His answer could be really interesting, saying a lot about him and about the future of this relationship.

  5. His answer will be quite interesting.

  6. Keep going, lo! You left us hanging good!

    Enjoy those kids when you have them! They grow up so fast. I don't hold grudges about return visits. I think very few do, Siren. :-)

  7. Hoping next week is his answer. Great place to leave us hanging. Tweeted.

    1. Thank you! Yes, you will get his answer next week :D

    2. I don't know how everyone keeps up with the blog hop and social media. I have a hard enough time just posting my blog post to IG & twitter, which then auto posts to FB. Then G+ too. I would love to tweet out other writers posts, I just don't have time usually. I feel like there's some trick I'm missing.

  8. Those ten sentence limits are definitely a challenge some time. But this is a great snippet! :D

  9. I'm sure there will be a snarky response coming. lol

    Enjoy your children. They grow up so fast. :)

    1. Always snarky, it's Armani ;)

      Thanks for reading!

  10. Her anger and frustration came over on the page very well. Great snippet.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by!

      He loves to mess with her and see what reaction she will give.

  12. He has a point. He's still a bit of ass, but she likes it. ;)

    1. In a way, she loves it. He challenges her and she challenges him right back.
